The Lee Wade and Boylston Prize contest will be held this year on April 13 at 8 o'clock in Sanders Theatre, was announced yesterday. Contestants will deliver six minute orations on subjects chosen by them and submitted to the committee in charge. The public is invited to attend.
The Lee Wade Prize is given by Dr. Francis Henry Wade in memory of his son, Lee Wade 11 '14; and is awarded as the first prize in the evening's contests. The first Boylston prize is awarded to the contestant next in merit. In addition, two other Boylston Prizes are awarded to those, who in the opinion of the judges, rank third and fourth.
The order of the speakers according to draw, and their subjects will be a follows; K.M. Capper Johnson '27, Ramsey Macdonald's "Reduction of Armaments-1924"; P.J. Booe '28, Victor Hugo's "The Death Penalty"; A.F. Reel; F. I. Kosen '29, Auslander's "Steel"; A.F. Reel '28, George F. Hoar's, "On Retaining the Philippine Islands"; H.M. Neuberge '27, Rudyard Kip;ing's "On the Road to Mandalay"; Eduardo Andrade '28, Robert Browning's "My Last Duchess"; L. Kosol '27, Edwin Markham's "The Man with the Hoe"; and H.A. Wolff '29 "Not Guilty", anonymous.
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Third Natural History Walk.