Never, we are sure, has a greater compliment been paid to The Nation in the sixty-two years of this periodical's existence than that bestowed upon us by the faculty and students of Harvard University. The Crimson, having made a canvass within that institution, has discovered that The Nation ranks third on the list of weekly magazines in popularity among those who voted in this referendum. Only the Saturday Evening Post and Liberty surpassed us in the esteem of the thinkers in our oldest American university. Advertising agencies and national advertisers will please take notice that in esteem, if not in circulation, we outrank the Ladies' Home Journal, the Pictorial Review, Vanity Fair, Judge, Life, and the Police Gazette. Who shall say hereafter that the highbrow student does not turn to highbrow publications? Henceforth we shall have no doubts as to the progress of the intellectual life among he Harvard undergraduates--not even when they call Princeton rough, decline to sing at glee-club contests, assault and are assaulted by the police, and generally act as a mysterious law unto themselves. The Nation--
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