

Grist for the tabloid mills, pun material for Will Rogers stuff out of which we-view-with-alarm editorials are written--such is the effect of William Hale Thompson's election as mayor of Chicago on the extra-Chicago portion of the nation. Meanwhile Chicago politicians scratch their heads and reformers settle down to a prosperous season. The city knows what to expect; two terms of Mayor Thompson have convinced it that all is not sweet and clean by the shorts of Lake Michigan. Nevertheless it is willing to have another try.

There are several methods of looking at the new mayor, the best of which is through a pair of violently rose colored glasses. He is not guileless nor is he innocent of the devious ways of the Loop. One might say of him as has been said of Jack London--he was a man, thus leaving gradations of value quite unnoticed. At any rate he has managed to gather enough votes to come through the winner. Congratulations are in order for him, for the Illinois underworld--in fact for everybody but the people of Chicago.
