A new plan for the conduction of the 1930 Jubilee which will be held on May 27, was announced yesterday by T. F. Mason '30, chairman of the Jubilee Committee.
In order to avoid the evident prolixity of former Freshmen Jubilees, this year's Jubilee will not start until 9 o'clock. Formerly, a light lunch served at 6 o'clock was folowed by chorus singing by the Freshmen dormitory choruses. Dancing was held from 8 o'clock until 2, o'clock, with a short intermission for another light lunch at midnight.
This year the Jubilee wil begin with chorus singing at 9 o'clock in the Smith Halls quadrangle. Dancing will then be participated in until 11 o'clock, when all will be entertained by the Freshmen Instrumental Clubs and other entertainers. During this period, a full course dinner will be served. Since this wil be the only meal on the program, emphasis will be placed on having good food and plenty of it. Dancing wil then be enjoyed until 2 o'clock.
Final plans for the Jubilee will be announced later.
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