

Second Cut Will Follow Race of Three University Eights--Held Short Scrimmage Yesterday

That there will be no further cut in the University crew squad until after a race which will be held in the basin to morrow afternoon was announced last night. In an informal skirmish upstream yesterday crew X bested crews Y and Z but because of the curves and the generally unfavorable racing conditions which exist upstream the race was not a fair determination of their comparative strengths. The letters X. Y. and Z have been substituted for the letters A, B, and C which distinguish the crewes on squad A until this week.

For the race which was tentatively slated to be held in the basin, a ten minute clash from Brighton to Water-town was substituted. The cold weather and the breeze combined to make anything but favorable rowing conditions and none of the crews reached the stride of which they are capable. Though the showing was not satisfactory as far as the crews in general were concerned crew X from the start demonstrated its right to lead with crew Y second and crew Z a poor third.

After the race tomorrow afternoon or at least by the end of the week. Coach Browns intends either to drop four men from the A squad and bring four others up, keeping three crews until spring vacation, or else to drop an entire eight.
