The annual Northfield Student Conference will be held this year from June 15 to 23. The Harvard Committee is headed by J. H. Lane '28, and any member of the University interested, in attending the conference should get in touch with him.
A large number of speakers will be present, among whom are numbered: H. S. Colton President of Union Theological Seminary, A. P. Randolph, General Organizer, Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, H. H. Tweedy, Professor of Homeletics in Yale Divinity School. H. P. Van Dusen, Instructor in Union Theological Seminary, D. R. Porer, Executive Secretary, Student Department Y. M. C. A. and Tissington Tatlow, Executive Secretary, British Student Movement.
The discussion will cover a wide field including such topies as "Problems of Belief," "International Relations," "Industry and Race," "Modern Education," and "Social Relationship." The conference will be split up into groups that will be headed by experienced leaders and these groups will meet for special discussion each morning. The afternoon will be devoted to general meetings and recreations.
A registration fee of $7.00 is required and board and room for the entire conference may be had from $17 to $20.
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