Professor K. F. Mather, Professor of Geology will debate the Reverend Dr. John Roach Straton, pastor of Calvary Baptist Church, New York, on the general subject "Evolution", on the evenings of May 13 and 14, at Dr. Straton's church. Professor Mather was the chief defense witness in the Scopes trial at Dayton, Tenn essee.
The debates are to be "friendly discussions," it was announced. They are the outgrowth of a meeting of Professor Mather and Dr. Stratton in Cambridge last fall in the Phillips Brooks House when they discussed the question, "Resolved, That the theory of evolution is incompatible with the Christian religion." The debates to be held in May will be a further discussion of this question.
The debate in New York will be without judges or voting by the audience. The subjects successively will be "Is Evolution True?" and "Is Evolution Anti-Christian?" It is expected the debates will be broadcast. President Hibben of Princeton University, has been invited to serve as chairman of both of these meetings.
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