Two innovations in English A will be effected shortly after the Spring recess, it was announced yesterday. These will be a debate staged between three sections in the argumentation group, and the releasing for the stage, of a drama, written by a student in the dramatic group.
During the first week after the vacation, a triangular debate will be held between sections 8, 14, and 17, on the subject, "Resolved: That this house favors the nomination of Calvin Coolidge for another term as President of the United States". Three students of neutral sections will judge, and one student from a neutral section, will preside.
"Caliban of the Pawn Shop", a one act comedy by W.W. Howells '30, of the drama group in English A, has been accepted for the stage by the dramatic committee of Boston Settlement Houses. The play will be produced some time in the near future.
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No HeadlineThe popularity of a course like English 6 is well shown by the large number who have already applied for
No HeadlineIt is to be hoped that the instructors will give to their sections the results of the examinations as soon
BULLETIN.Freshman recitations will cease on the evening of December 13th, and the following examinations will be held: PHYSICS, FRIDAY, DEC.
FACT AND RUMOR.R. D. Wilson, '83, is at the Philippine Islands. There will be no recitation in Fine Arts 3 on Monday.
Alpha Epsilon Pi to Go Gender Neutral