The schedule of events for Commencement Week was announced last night by Madison Sayles '27, Chairman of the Class Day Committee. Arrangements for the whole week are complete with the exception of a few of the Class Day details, which will be definitely announced in the near future. With several minor changes the programs is much the same as that of former years.
Circulars with details concerning Class Day and the Senior Spread will be received by Seniors on May 1, and office hours of the committee will be held in May, when any further inquiries will be answered. The circulars contain Class Day programs--tickets applications with special prices for the Senior Spread and the Yard, Sanders, Theatre, Memorial Hall and Stadium tickets applications for Class Day.
It was announced also yesterday that leaps and gowns for those Seniors who have ordered them may be incurred at the Coop.
Following is the program for Commencement Week:
Sunday, June 19
4 o'clock--Baccalaureate sernion by President Lowell in Appleton Chapel, to be followed by a reception to the Senior Class by President Lowell, 17 Quincy Street.
Monday, June 20
8 o'clock--Senior Spread and Dance, Memorial Hall.
Tuesday, June 21
9 o'clock Senior Class Chapel Services, Appleton Chapel.
11 o'clock--Sanders Theatre Exercises: Oration, Dwight Westley Chapman; Poem, Pierpont Stackpole; Ode, Ambrose Francis Keeley.
3.30 o'clock--Tree Exercises.
4 o'clock--Stadium Exercises: Ivy Oration, Geoffrey McNair Gates; Cheering, Song by Glee Club: Presentation of Class Banner to 1930: Stinging of "Fair Harvard"; Confetti Battle.
8 to 11 o'clock--Dancing in Memorial Hall.
9 o'clock--Singing by the Glee Club on the Steps of Widener Library.
Wednesday, June 22
8 o'clock--Harvard-Yale baseball game, Soldiers Field.
Thursday, June 23
Commencement Day.
9.45 o'clock--Commencement Exercises in the Sever Quadrangle.
Friday, June 24
11.30 o'clock--Phi Beta Kappa Oration and Poem, Sanders Theatre.
9.45 to 5 o'clock--Harvard-Yale Crew races, New London.
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