

Although the Vagabond has spent on extremely busy week making trips into Boston to attend the various concerts which were part of the Beethoven centenary festival and, in fact, has heard as much Beethoven music in four days as usually in a year, yet it is with much relish that he anticipates Dr. Davison's lecture in History 1 this morning.

Dr. Davison will not only outline Beethoven's varied career and describe his works, but he will demonstrate by playing on the piano. Mr. Woodworth, who is director of the Radcliffe Choral Society, will assist Dr. Davison in the course of the lecture, playing several duets with the latter, as well as some solo pieces.

The first movement of the Third Symphony will be played in its entirety. The Eroica Symphony was, of course, originally planned to glorify Napoleon, but the title was changed when Napoleon made himself emperor.

The first movement begins with a slow, very dignified theme in triple rhythm. The second theme is a three, noted figure, while the third and closing theme has two parts, one meditative, and the other triumphant.

Should any vagabond arrive late for Dr. Davison's lecture and find himself excluded because of the crowd, he could not do better than to go to Harvard 5, where Dr. Hornbeck is giving another of his splendid lectures on China. His subject will be "China: The Tarping Rebellion and Maritime Custom Administration" The significance of these lectures in History 18 need scarcely be pointed out, when the headlines of every morning paper scream out stories of the struggles in modern China, which had their origin in the history of yesterday.


Other lectures of interest are:

10 O'clock

"Marx's Position in the Socialist Movement," Dr. Mason, Emerson F, Economics 7b.

"Chile in the Middle Nineties," Professor Haring, Harvard 2, History 56.

11 O'clock

"Italian Renaissance Sculpture," Professor Edgell, New Fogg Museam, Fine Arts Id.
