

That Harvard Riot

When we read of the 300 Harvard undergraduates rioting after a midnight show at Cambridge recently, we did so with a sense of regret--regret that something such as that has not happened here at Rice. Regardless of the consequences of the flight, it was a great show of enthusiasm.

We don't care what kind of an affair Rice students would pull, but we profess to believe that something in the nature of the Harvard riot should be pulled here. Something that would serve to awaken the student body from its lethargy.

But once this year has the student body, or a part of it, shown any real spirit, and that was the Tuesday evening preceding the Texas football game when the mess hall went wild. Since then not a bubble has come to the surface to disturb the utter tranquility of Rice undergraduate affairs.

Let's have an freshman dance this year, with freshmen sophomores, juniors and seniors piling in to make things interesting.

Let's have an honest-to-gosh fight in the mess hall sometime, nothing barred.


Let's have a great egg fight of our own in West Hall's big front yard, letting members of the various classes choose their opponents.

Let's get some enthusiasm around the campus.

Let's wake up! --"The Thresher", Rice Institute,   Houston, Texas.
