

Only Two of Last Year's Title Holders to Compete Tonight--Bouts Start at 8 O'clock

Thirty-five students will compete tonight for the Wrestling Championships of the University The Tournament will be held in Hemenway Gymnasium, beginning at 8 o'clock.

Bouts tonight will be classed in seven divisions, as follows: 115, 125, 135, 145, 158, 175 pound, and unlimited.

Of last year's champions only two will wrestle tonight to defend their titles. These are Milton Krook 2L and H. M. Kullman '27 The other 1926 champions were K. C. Williams 3L, H. G. Dorman '26, H. P. Wood '27, T. D. Howe '28 and S. S. Wilson '27.

The following men will participate in tonight's tournament: In the 115 pound class: N. M. Field 1L, H. E. Henchel '30, Milton Krook 3L, and B. F. Masseli '27: in the 125 pound class: J. R. Burns '29, G. H. Prosser 1L. G. W. Provost '30, M. F. Subiloff '28, A. J. Bronstein 2L, Milton Krook 2L, and G. H. Prosser 1L. W. A. Clementson '28, J. E. Evans '30, H. M. Kullman 127 and C. N. Levine '30 will wrestle for the 135 pound Championship. In the 145 pound divisior Aaron Dashoff '28, H. M. Kullman '27, Morris Michelson 3L, L. W. Schwars 1G and F. F. Swanfelt '30 will vie for honors. The 158 pound division wil be represented by Carl Corson '28, C. L. Rankin '30, L. C. Reynolds '30 and Joseph Solano '30 Either H. J. Kaufman '29 or T. R. Mamud '26 will be awarded the 175 pound crown and the Unlimited award will go to either W. H. Epnis '27, R. J. Wallace '28, or E. McCullis 1L.
