The Vagabond yesterday made a well-rewarded pilgrimage to the Treasure Room at Widener where he examined the exhibition in the honor of President Eliot. Among the volumes on show are two tremendous books of autographs, containing the signatures of almost every American who has made a name for himself during the last 50 or 60 years. Every autograph recalls the name of some statesman, author, educator, scholar or other leader in the world of action or thought. It is a comprehensive review in American History, just to let the pages slip through one's fingers.
There are also pictures of President Eliot taken at various times during his life and a collection of testimonials.
There are several other exhibits also on show at Widener, rare tomes to delight the bibliophile, leaves from ancient Greek manuscripts and old Latin Grammars.
A modern book, just published, and in its rareness comparable to many of the oldest volumes will be shown in Boston next week. The book is "The Seven Pillars of Wisdom" by Colonel T. E. Lawrence, who has set the price on each of the ten copies of the edition at $20000.
Colonel Lawrence is a vagabond about the world, and an archaeologist, who has a habit of getting lost. During the Great War he disappeared, only to be discovered at the head of 300,000 fighting men from the desert who were with Allenby at Jerusalem.
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