The Harvard Fund supplies one of the vital needs of the University in providing funds not bound to a definite purpose. Furthermore, in spite of the general and deserved distrust of the Dear Old Rutgers complex, there is something essentially fine in the effort to bring every alumnus to a realization of his part in the destinies of Harvard.
The decision of the 1927 Permanent Class Committee to follow the plan adopted last year of turning its class contributions directly into the Harvard Fund rather than into the premiums on group life insurance can be highly commenion. There are reciprocal advantages to the method. The importance of the Harvard Fund is weakened by a separate system of class donations. The sentiment and earning power of the class funds are weakened by the policing and profits of an insurance company. Combining the two, if nothing else, makes for unity focussing graduate support toward one point. One master is oasier to serve than two.
The Class of 1927 has followed a wise precedent, a precedent which the Harvard Fund Council declares already to have proved its worth, and a precedent which should be confirmed by succeeding graduating classes.