Eight Harvard men and seven Radcliffe students, constituting more than half those to whom awards were made, have received fellowships from the Carnegie Corporation. These were from a total of 29 recommendations made by the Advisory Committee on Scholarship Grants in the Fine Arts.
In making its selections the Committee was guided by the policy formulated in 1926 which runs as follows:
"Among eligible candidates graduates of liberal colleges of good standing, equal consideration should be given to those whose approach to the appreciation of art is that of practice and to those whose approach is history or aesthetic theory. Such candidates should considered solely on their individual merits, regardless of the pedagogical training or opinion which they represent. Ordinarily, no candidate should be accepted whose program does not include a year of university study of the history of art in an American university. In the case of candidates who have already had this minimum of university training, or whose experience, as teacher, for example, presupposes a reasonable equivalent therefor, the regional committees and committee on selection will consider programs according to their fitness for the individual applicant."
The following received reappointments L. E. Mack Oberlin, 25, to continue graduate studies at Radcliffe; Dorothy Rand, Smith '26, to continue graduate study in Europe under the direction of Radcliffe; Esther Seaver, Beloit 24, to continue study in Europe under the direction of Radcliffe; G. L. Stout, Iowa '21, to continue graduate study at Harvard; Bertha H. Wiles, Wisconsin 18, to continue graduate studies at Radcliffe; G. E. Downing, Chicago '25, to pursue graduate study at Harvard.
Those who received new appointments were, R. T. Davis '26, to pursue graduate study at Harvard; R. H. Hitchcock '24, to pursue graduate study in Europe under the direction of Harvard; Katherine B. Wilson Bryn Maur '24, to pursue graduate study at Radcliffe; F. J. Roos, Chicago '27, to pursue graduate study at Harvard; M. C. Ross '27, to pursue graduate study at Harvard; E. B. Rowan, Miami '21, to pursue graduate study at Harvard; J. M. Upton '22 to continue study in Europe under the direction of Harvard; Mary F. Williams, Radcliffe '27, to pursue graduate study at Radcliffe; Margaret Effinger, Michigan '26, received first choice among the alternates, and will continue her graduate work in Europe under the direction of Radcliffe.
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