Professor George Lyman Kittredge '82 will deliver the Dowse Institute free lecture series in Sanders Theatre, on the evenings of March 22, 24, and 29 at 8 o'clock. The course on "The Appreciation of Shakespeare" consists of lectures upon 'King Hemy IV" The Tempest" and "Anthony and Cleopatra".
This year's course is one of a long line of lecture courses offered to the people of Cambridge through the generosity of Thomas Dowse, leather-dresser and book-collector of Cambridgeport, who years ago bequeathed to the City of Cambridge a fund the income of which was to be spent each year in providing one or more courses of lectures of highest character on literary and scientific subjects. Notable among the names of former Dowse lecturers are those of Edward Everett, 1811, Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1821, Charles Sumner, 1830, Wendell Phillips, 1831. Oliver Wendell Holmes, 1864, and Henry Ward Beecher.
The lectures are open to the public without charge. The sections reserved for ticket holders will be thrown open to all at five minutes of eight.
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