Contrary to previous announcements, a second baseball team will be formed this Spring to play a schedule of eleven games. The University squad will be divided into two groups, A and B. The B squad, coached by Fred Parent, a former big league player, will play the Second Team schedule.
It is understood that this will in no way hinder the development of class baseball, and most of the original plans for its organization will be carried out M. A. Cheek Jr., '26, will direct the system and also aid in the coaching.
The first plan was to have an all-class team play the games regularly scheduled by the Second team.
The great abundance of material made too large a squad to be handled, so the plan of a second team, backed up by a system of class teams, was adopted.
Dennis Enright, care-taker par excellence of the Soldiers Field turf, has prepared a new diamond for the Second team, while it is expected that several diamonds on the old Freshman football field will be available to the class squads. The expansion of class baseball will be carried out much as it was in the case of football last fall, although the class champions will not meet a championship class team from Yale this year. Next year a still further broadening of the scope of the class athletics will take place when new fields, across the street from Soldiers Field will be available.
The schedule for the Second Team as announced yesterday follows:
April 29--High School of Commerce (tentative)
May 2--Dean Academy.
May 4--St. Anselm's Prep.
May 6--Buntington.
May 9--Burdett College.
May 11--Brown '30 at Providence.
May 14--Groton at Groton.
May 18--Andover at Andover.
May 21--Bridgewater Normal (tentative)
May 25--St. John's Prep (tentative.)
May 28--Yale Second team
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