

To The Editor of The Crimson:

The letter from Mr. Paul Hollister '13 which appeared in yesterday's issue of the Crimson is very unworthy of its writer and its subject.

It is rather to be decried that such letters are sometimes written by undergraduates, but it is a serious reflection upon the character moulding influence of our college when a graduate of fourteen years standing offers such a piece of cheap vulgarity.

The Liberal club, in its recent campaign has been the cause of more than one smile, but it has at least treated its subject with serious dignity. It is a violation of the finer feelings of human nature to be forced to associate a letter of the type written by Mr. Hollister with the Harvard men that have died for the true dignity of their country.

There is in every one of us a very bitter streak, the present writer not excepted. The serious nature of the matter at hand has prevented me from attacking Mr. Hollister and his letter in their own way. I see little humor in the sorrow that lies in the crushed hearts of hundreds of mothers and fathers. However, if Mr. Hollister cares to know what the writer thinks of him and his letter, apart from his subject, I am at his service with all the disgust and scurrility I am able to command. G. Louis Joughin, '27.   6 Hollis Hall.
