

Competitions Now Occupy University Courts--Juniors Head Standing in Interclass League

With the conclusion of the four tournaments which are now in progress on the University courts the squash season will officially close. The State B. Tournament will end March 4, the Interclass Tournament on March 7, and the Senior, and Graduate Tournaments sometime in the near future.

In the Interclass Tournament each class has played three matches in which the Juniors have maintained the only clean slate. The Sophomores have won two and lost one, and the Seniors have taken one and dropped two. The first year men have three, losses chalked against them.

In the other tournaments the number of entrants still left is greatly reduced, but competition is keen and there are no outstanding contenders.

A review of the squash team records for the past four years shows four State and three National Championships to the racquetmen's credit, with only one defeat. This was administered by the British team and was not a scheduled match.

The National Title in the individuals has also been held by graduates of the University for the past three years. W.P. Dixon '25 was winner in 1925-26 and M.P. Baker 3M was this year's champion.
