"It is a question," some one has well said, referring to one of our modern writers, "whether Pegasus or a screech-owl is hovering over Chicago." This remark may with some extension be applied very appropriately to much of modern art, and particularly modern verse, not only in America but perhaps even to a greater extent in Europe. There is a storm and stress in present day art called Expressionism, whose chief manifestation seems to be a centrifugal stress from a central storm,--a limitless seeking for the bizarre; an aestheticising of the ugly.
What seems to the Vagabond the unfortunate aspect of this movement, is that its spirit is being applied to life in general. Of a recent work of modern music a well-known critic has written. "It is a work of discord and cacophonies; as ugly and as true as life itself." Let us all smile together.
Dr. Kellerman will discuss Expressionism in the present life and art of Germany at 2 o'clock this afternoon in Sever 29.
Quite different in spirit from the general tenor of modernity are the songs of Schubert on which Professor Hill will speak in the Music Building at noon today. Certainly they are not works of discords and cacophonies', perhaps they are even a bit over-sentimental. Yet it is a question whether the "Erlkoenig", and the "Serenade" will not still be sung when many of our modern writers are forgotten. For their work in letting in fresh air on an art which had grown somewhat state, the new tendencies must be that in and of themselves they are of themselves they are of permanent value, is another question.
Other lectures of interest today are
11 O'clock
"Early Christian Architecture Professor Edgell. New Fegg Museum. Fine Arts ld.
"Herder on Ossian" Professor Harvard. Fegg Muscum, German.
"Slavery and Sectionalism," Professor Schlesinger. New lecture Hall. His fory $2b.
12 O'clock
"The Power of Idealization as a Foctor in Human Adaptation," Professor Cavyery, Sever 17, Meonemics S.
"The Planefesimal Theory of Karth Origin" Professor Mather, Geological Lecture Room Geology 5.
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First Meeting of University Chorus