Some time perhaps the minds of the mighty will discover that exact division between spirit and truth. Until then one must continue content with the news-paper.
This week brings the charming profile of Boston's better medium again into the public print. Margery the only ectoplasmic wonder in this center of American decorum, has once more been called ill names.
Surely something must be doue. It is all right to treat foreign ladies cavalierly but an American lady is too rare a genus to know even the scorn of the State department. So these attacks from the other terminus of the Boston and Albany against, not alone a lady, but a lady who charmed the Harvard intellectuals and bound Houdini to despair there vitrolic jobs must be fended.
If no other journal will defend Boston's single woman of spirit, the Crimson must remain a single champion of local genius. In a lady ectoplasm cannot be treated lightly.
Yet the Crimson does not expect to remain an isolated champion of the Banner of the Seven Veils and the Bell which Rings in the Dark. Some other official spokesman for the ethereal may quickly come to the aid of this lady whom the Albanian Comus would discredit. Until then the Crimson stands alone Margery, essence, quintessence, undefiled, the local pid to notoriety the face which launched a thousand messages she must not be defiled unless Congress would really like to investigate.
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