

Leaps Six Feet Two Inches in Winter Meet--White and French Are Other Winners

Franklin Hollis '27, David White '29, and A. E. French '29 were the victors in the first events of the Winter Track meet yesterday afternoon.

Hollis broke the University indoor high jump record with a six foot two inch jump. E. V. Renouf '28, with a three inch handicap, took second honors when he cleared the bar at five feet ten inches.

White made a 22 foot two inch leap, with a six inch handicap, in the broad jump. A. E. French '29, jumping scratch, was bracketed with Geoffrey Parsons '30, holding a two inch advantage, in a jump of 21 feet eight and one half inches. French again distinguished himself by winning the 16-pound shot put with a 45 foot three and a half inch throw, taking into consideration his six foot handicap. He had not practised during the winter training session. C. A. Pratt '28 and W. D. Ticknor '30 were next in line with throws of 43 feet four inches and 42 feet ten inches respectively.

Entries will close at 12 o'clock today for the 35 pound weight, the 40 yard dash, the 45 yard hurdles, the 300, 600, and 1000 yard runs, and the one and two mile races. The runners will be called at 3 o'clock, while the weight men will compete at 4:30 o'clock.
