


"I think that Browning is an old fool to carry on with a baby like 'Peaches'," Bob Lampoon told a Crimson reporter yesterday at his home 22 Grand Street. "It's just like he was going around with his own daughter. She ain't so good-looking either, but she knows what's what. I reckon her to be about 20, and just anxious to get into the public's eye. She's just silly, and I don't know why so many women rush to that there court to hear all that trash. But its 'spicy' and that's what the women want. I wouldn't advise anyone to hang around court rooms. It ain't so good.

"As for the Chaplin case," continued Bob, "I think Lita is in the right and Charley is in wrong. It's different from the Browning case. 'Peaches' couldn't get what she wanted . . . she was trying to pull Browning's leg. There was a lot of 'antics' too that won't come out in the paper."

Italians Great, He Avers

When asked for the opinion concerning the Mexican situation Bob laid the blame on the two factions in Mexico. "Mexicans ain't all there," opined Bob. "They don't know how to manage. Two factions raise all the racket. It's the same in China. The Chinese have so many languages among themselves. We are also more civilized than the Chinese, we know how to act, how to control ourselves. They can only say "no checkee . . . no laundree". But it's different with the Italians. They made good in this country. It it wasn't for them we wouldn't have no subways. They went down in the 'bowels of the earth' and dug 'em out. Now they have gone to Italy and drink wine for 15 cents a gallon while we pay $5.00 a quart for rotten liquor.

"I'm Comical--It's a Gift"


"Keep young" is Bob's motto. "That's happiness," he said. "I was an athlete in my day. My mother wanted me to be a musician, but I wouldn't study of practice. I keep in the jollities of the students though, and am pretty lively I am comical . . . I have that gift."

"I don't like jazz though," concluded Bob. "I can't make heads nor tails of it. I am fond of love songs. 'Let Me Call You Sweetheart' is my favorite on the Victrola.
