

Change Designed to Help Individual Research--Aid in Preparatiton for Midyears and Finals

Authorities at University Hall yesterday declined either to confirm or deny the rumor that classes and lectures may be suspended for a period of three or four weeks before mid-year and final examinations.

Because of the reserve encountered at University Hall, however, it is believed that the proposal was discussed and some sort of action taken in the Faculty Meeting on Tuesday of this week. If the measure was passed by the Faculty it still must be submitted to the Board of Overseers.

This move, if it has or is to be made, is considered a most radical educational innovation and will be watched closely by other colleges in the country. It is designed to give students more time for personal investigation and research as well as more time to prepare for examinations. The plan is used in English universities, but there it is a product or evolution, and whether or not it will succeed when superimposed on an educational system which has previously been somewhat paternalistic must be shown by experiment.

Such a respite, however, was strongly recommended by Sir John Adams, Professor of Education at the University of London, when interviewed by the Crimson. He seemed to feel that the system might encounter difficulties, though, because of the fact that American students are accustomed to a paternalistic attitude on the part of the college.
