

Incoming News Board Decides Against Seeking Panacea for Yale Ills--To Devote Energy to News

New Haven, Conn., February 9.--A policy almost 50 years old was abandoned tonight by the Yale News, when the staff of editors who assumed control today announced that the News for this year at least, will not cry out for campus reforms, but will content itself with making changes in the paper which will make it of more service to the students.

To Concentrate on News

In its opening editorial today the News says. "In the belief that the first duty of a newspaper is to survey news, we are devoting our best energy not to discovering the University's shortcomings and seeking to solve its problems but to making the paper more readable and more efficient in covering its field. With this aim it seemed expedient to depart from the custom of publishing an elaborate platform.

"We have, however, investigated and studied conditions thoroughly, and although we are confident that competent men of vision and experience are guiding the University successfully through a period of crisis and change in American education, we have worked out a program for the sane and natural discussion of problems vitally affecting the undergraduates. We will present with a view to practicality our ideas on fraternities, chapel, unity and population, the endowment drive, the English system of education and other perlish system of education and other pertinent questions since the News is recognized by alumni and the Press as official spokesman of undergraduate Yale it is essential that we treat impartially and with equal regard for the best interests of all, questions affecting Sheff, the common Feshman year and the college."

Bartholomew Is Chairman


The News board for the year includes Dana T. Bartholomew of Ansonia, Conn., Chairman, G. W. Haight, of Newport, R. I. Business Manager, J. A. Thomas, of Fort Worth, Texas, Managing Editor; R. O. Mitchell, of Minneapolis, Minn., Assignment Editor; E. Davison Jr., of Flint, Mich., Vice Chairman; and L. B. Hockaday, of Evanston, Ill., Assistant Business Manager.
