

Slight Chance Despite, New Michigan Meeting--Lowell Also to Speak at Worcester, Little at Detroit

W. J. Bingham '16, Director of Athletics in the University has announced plan for an extensive speaking trip throughout the east and middle west. His program, which includes Cleveland and Akron, Ohio, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and Detroit, Michigan, is as follows:

Thursday, February 3--Worcester.

Wednesday (noon), February 9--Cleveland, Ohio.

Wednesday (night), February 9-- Akron, Ohio.

Thursday February 10--Milwaukee, Wisconsin.


Friday, February 11--Detroit, Michigan

Wednesday, February 16--New Bedford.

Harvard Clubs the Scene

At all of the foregoing places Bingham will speak before Harvard Clubs. In addition President Lowell mis to speak with Bingham Thursday at Worcester C. C. Little '10, president of the University of Michigan, will be on the program as a speaker at Detroit when Bingham speaks there. C. A. Pratt '27, football captain-elect, will speak at New Bedford. Bingham has accepted the New Bedford engagement as a compliment to Pratt, who comes from New Bedford.

Blocum Barred Press

This announcement of speaking tour follows the meeting of the Harvard Club of New York Friday. Both President Lowell and Bingham spoke there before some 500 Harvard men, and are said to have been received most cordially, although T. W. Slocum '90, president of the New York organization, has requested that no report be made of the speeches. President slocum presented Bingham to the gathering as a "diplomat" and complimented him on his silence during a time when there is pressure from all sides for him to talk.

Director Bingham's announcement of his speaking tour is a departure from his regular plans which caused his refusal of all requests to speak.

Meets Horween in West

While in the west, Bingham will see Arnold Horween '21, football coach, on February 10. They will discuss the football situation. It is definitely announced that there will be no consideration of a 1927 engagement with a "Big Ten" team, but slight chance for a 1928. The University has committed itself to a two-year agreement with the University of Pennsylvania, which carries it through 1928.

The coming trip had nothing to do with booking football games however. Bingham will make contacts with Harvard men in other sections of the country, and will supply first-hand information of the Harvard official attitude on incidents leading up to Princeton action.

Bingham's visit to Michigan however, puts emphasis on the fact that if Harvard takes on a western college Michigan will probably be the first to be approved on a home-and-home basis. The clause in the old "Big Three" agreement which prevents "long and expensive trips" may be altered before many seasons have passed.
