
In the Graduate Schools

Competition to Take Place Saturday for First Year Men

In an attempt to assist all first-year men who are in need of financial aid, the Harvard Law School will hold a competition examination Saturday at 2 o'clock to determine the winners of approximately 15 scholarships which are offered every year in December to all members of the first year class. Each scholarship is worth $250, and is awarded to the men who receive the highest grades in the examination.

At present 215 men have signified their intention to take the examination and have been approved by the committee in charge, The four-hour examination will cover all the work that has been assigned from the beginning of the year up until December 1.

Since no scholarships or aids are awarded at any time to first-year men except upon a competitive basis, this will be the only opportunity that any of the first year men will have to receive pecuniary aid.

The scholarships are made possible by three different funds: the Harvard Law School Association, which awards ten scholarships each worth $250; The Herbert Parker Scholarship Fund, the income of which provides for one or more aids worth $250; and the Shelton Male Fund which provides for one scholarship of $250.
