

Those who have dabbled in touch football and other forms of intramural sport will welcome the step toward organization of this branch of athletics, which will be taken with the meeting of the Intramural Sports Council today. The lack of the system and of the stability imparted by the existence and activity of a governing body has been the most salient feature of the essays made in the field of inter club competition at Harvard.

The effect of the establishment of the Council should be two-fold. The elevation of intramural sport to a new position of power and dignity should not be more far-reaching in its results than the sense of responsibility generated in the minds of those engaging in competition under the direction of the new body. Instead of a haphazard series of games played under varying conditions of personnel of teams and with diverse rules, there will be organized a system before which difficulties will be smoothed out.

The easier and varied intercourse between undergraduate organizations should bring about a closer mutual understanding in the complex network of student club life in the University. In its significance for the athletic and social aspects of Harvard the meeting of the Council should be noteworthy.
