
The Student Vagabond

The following are lectures of interest to be given today and tomorrow:


9 O'clock

"The French Philosophy of Government," Professor Munro, New Lecture Hall.

"Emotion," Professor Boring, Emerson D.


10 O'clock

"Early American Drama," Professor Murdock, Harvard 1.

"Utilitarianism," Professor Perry, Emerson A.

"The Leaf and Environment," Professor Ames Geological Lecture Room.

11 O'clock

"The Reaction and the New Era in Prussia," Professor Langer, Harvard 3.

12 O'clock

"French Gothie," Professor Edgell, Robinson Hall.

"Petrarch's Sonnets and the English Petrarchians," Professor Rollins, Sever 5.

"The Parthenoh," Professor Conant, Robinson Hall.
