In an interview with a CRIMSON reporter yesterday John Haynes Homes, pastor of the Community Church of New York City, who has recently visited Russia and studied conditions there, out lined what he believes the world owes to the Bolsheviki. He pointed out that although a similarity exists between the French Revolution and the Russian Revolution in that the two are the greatest liberating events in human history, the latter contains no incidents to compare with the horror of the Reign of Terror. It is due to the lack of perspective that people generally think that nothing exceeds the moral depravity and terror of the Russian Revolution, Dr. Holmes stated.
Lauds Lenine
He declared that the world owed a three told debt to the Bolsheviki "First," he said, "they saved Russia as an organized society contrary to what most people believe". The crash had already come, peasants had revolted, murdered land owners, and seized land, the Russian army had dissolved, railroads had stopped and factories had closed the return to say agery had begun before the Bolsheviki finally came on the scene. In a ter months the Bolsheviki established the Soviet Government, spread a Red army all over Russia and Siberia, and righted all the evils. This is the greatest single achievement in contemporary history and was largely due to Lenine, incomparably the greatest statesman the modern world has ever known.
"Secondly," remarked Dr. Holmes, "the Bolsheviki saved the Revolution. This, in the eyes of many people, is the one great crime of the Bolsheviki, but if it were not for them, the Czar and all his train would have returned and a White Terror would have resulted to make the Red Terror look like a kindergarten game. There would have been a civil war against the peasants to regain land innumerable pogroms against the Jews, and the worst tyranny in modern history would have been restored. For what the Bolsheviki did all posterity will thank them.
Set Up Workers' Rule
"Thirdly, the Bolsheviki established for the first time in history a workers' government. They tried for a Communist Utopia and failed completely. I believe something much more important resulted,--the workers republic. In Russia today, as in no other country in the world, the workers are on top. The only citizens are laborers, the only wealth is work, and a new type of society has been organized that is going to possess the future. As the French Revolution brought political democracy, the Russian Revolution is bringing economic democracy. We owe to the Bolsheviki the creation of the first economic democracy in history.
"As for the security of Russia's future," stated Dr. Holmes. "Russia as a workers' government is here to stay and its adjustment to the capitalist world has started.