

With all due modesty and self deprecation the CRIMSON takes pleasure in the universal approval, as expressed in country wide editorial comment, of its Student Vagabond. Originally a CRIMSON conception, the Vagabond after two years is receiving the plaudits of students and educators in other universities. From the approbation of President Little of Michigan to tributes from undergraduate editors, the praise ranges--and at the bottom of all is a fundamental laudation to the university which is sufficiently interested in varied topics and studies to support such a feature as the daily publication of a Vagabond.

In offering the Vagabond to its readers the CRIMSON has been entirely without any definite statistics as to the popular approval of the plan. Certain things--the Vagabond among them--must be thrust upon the public in the belief that the contribution is welcome or at least not unworthy of consumption. Therefore it is gratifying to learn the attitude of other colleges and universities, since thus is the Vagabond furnished with the sole concrete justification of his existence. If others offer him commendations he is partially assured that as a prophet he is not entirely without honor in his own country.
