
The Student Vagabond

The following lectures of interest will be given today and tomorrow:


9 O'clock

"Medieval Culture," Professor Merriman, New Lecture Hall.

"The Open Door Policy and the Boxer Movement of 1897-1901." Professor Hornbeck, Harvard 6.


10 O'clock

"Social Conditions in Eighteenth Century Spanish America," Professor Haring, Harvard 3.

"Fenelon," Professor Wright, Harvard 1.

12 O'clock

"Murillo," Professor Post, New Fogg Museum, small room.

"Mozart's Opera." Professor Hill, Music Building.

"Napoleon III and Italy." Professor Langer, Harvard 6.

"Concepts of Capitalism and their Relation to Industrial History," Professor Usher, Widener U.


9 O'Clock

"Thought," Professor Boring, Emerson. D.

10 O'clock

"Organ Compositions by Bach and Handel," to be played by Must Clair Leonard in Appleton Chapel.

"Great Britain and the United States 1856-61". Professor Banter. Harvard 3.

Russian Society in the Eighteenth Century." Professor Karpovich, Sever 21.

11 O'clock

"Origins of the War of 1866." Professor Langer Harvard 3.

12 O'clock

"Elizabethan Pastoral Poetry." Professor Rollins, Sever 5.
