Christopher Morley, novelist and essayist, will lecture at the Union tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock on "The Wounded Oyster." Mr. Morley chose his title from a quotation from Emerson.
Mr. Morley is a graduate of Haverford College in Pennsylvania. He went to New College, Oxford, as a Rhodes Scholar for three years with A. P. Herbert, editor of Punch, and after his return to America he joined Doubleday, Page, and Co. At this time he also wrote for Philadelphia and New York papers. Journalism later attracted him from publishing, and his column, the "Bowling Green", in the New York Evening Post, was a feature of metropolitan newspapers.
Later he retired to devote his time to writing. "Thunder on the Left", his most popular book, won him his reputation as a writer of colorful fantasy. His earlier books, including a number of volumes of familiar essays, grouped under such titles as "Pipefuls". "Shandygaff" and "Plum Pudding", and brief whimsical tales like "The Haunted Bookshop", "Parnassus on Wheels" have won him a large circle of admirers.
There will be a dinner before the lecture tomorrow, which will be attended by E. A. Weeks Jr. '22, Assistant Editor of the Atlantic Monthly, Theodor Morrison '23, who is also on the Atlantic Monthly staff, Rollo Walter Brown A.M. '05, biographer of Dean Briggs., D. W. Bailey '21, assistant to H. T. Parker '90, dramatic critie of the Boston Transcript, D. D. Pottiner '06, of the Harvard University Press, and D. T. McCord '21, Executive Secretary of the Harvard Fund.
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