

31 Men Proposed for Fifteen Positions Involved--Further Nominations by Petition Until Tonight

For Permanent Secretary

Langdon Dearborn of Havana, Cuba.

Harlow Niles Higinbotham of Joliet, III.

William Ashley Magie II, of Chicago, III.

For Permanent Class Committee


John Peirce Chase of Milton.

Paul Henry Nitze of Chicago, Ill.

James Lawrence Pool of New York City.

John Watts of Morristown, N. J.

For Class Day Committee

Richard Case Berreaford of New York City.

Howard Walter Burns of Dorchester.

Frank Bryant Cutts of Providence, R. I.

Gardner Emmons of Boston.

David, Lloyd Garrison of West Newton.

Hamilton Heard of Brookline.

William Barksdale Jones of Vaughan, Miss.

John Hamilton Lane of Hollis, N. Y.

William Walcott Lord of Danvers.

Lee Mason McTurnan of Los Angeles, Cal.

Albert Henry O'Neil of Jamaica Plain.

Charles Augustus Pratt Jr. of New Bedford.

Daniel Simonds II, of Fitchburg.

Beverly Tucker Thompson Jr. of Oak Park, Ill.

For Album Committee

Alexander Maxwell Blackburn Jr. of Locust Valley, Long Island, N. Y.

Henry Wilkinson Bragdon of Rochester, N. Y.

Lawrence La Tourette Driggs Jr. of New York City.

Thomas Hopkinson Eliot of Cambridge.

Alan Orrick Fordyce of St. Louis, Mo.

Franklin Peene Jones of New Rochelle, N. Y.

Lombard Carter Jones II, of Sandwich.

Victor Owen Jones of Cambridge.

William Mulford of Northampton.

Carl Howard Pforzheimer Jr. of Purchase, N. Y.

This list of nominees was announced last night by the Senior Nominating Committee for the second and final election of the Class of 1928, which will be held Friay. Additional names may be added to the list by petition of 25 eligible voters. Any such application must be submitted to the Nominating Committee in Holworthy 14 by 7 o'clock tonight. None will be accepted later than that hour, since the ballots must be given to the printer immediately.

The elections will be held Friday in Sever and Harvard Halls from 8.45 to 5 o'clock and in Pierce Hall from 8.45 to 1 o'clock. Balloting will be in charge of the same committee of Juniors which supervised the elections Monday and the results will be announced in the CRIMSON on Saturday.

The Secretary and the two members of the Class Committee, together with the Tressurer elected Monday, are permanent officers. The Class Day Committee of seven has charge of the ceremonies on Class Day, while the Senior Album is published under the direction of the five members of the Album Committee.
