

Winners to Be Announced at Dinner at Hotel Astor--$57,000 to Be Divided in Many Prizes

The winners of the Woodrow Wilson Prize Essay Contest with total awards of $57,000, will be announced at the annual dinner of the Woodrow Wilson Foundation, to be held in the Hotel Astor in New York, on December 28, the anniversary of Mr. Wilson's birth. Two contestants will receive $25,000 each in recognition of the merit of their articles on "What Woodrow Wilson Means to Me."

In addition to the two capital prizes, Professor G. M. Harper, Chairman of the Jury of Award for the Essay contest, will announce the winners of two second prizes of $1,000 each, forty prizes of $100 each and 50 honorable mentions, with $20 awards. All these prizes are to be distributed equally between men and women.

The New York Dinner is but one of 200 dinners and meetings, which will be held throughout the United States on the occasion of the former President's birthday.

Ten thousand essays have been submitted to the committee, and to enable all the writers to know the jury's decision, arrangements have been made for a nation wide broadcast of the announcement.

The following people are on the jury of award for the essay contest:


Professor Harper Woodrow Wilson Memorial Professor of Literature at Princeton, Chairman; R. S. Baker, Amherst, Mass.; Hon. J. W. Davis, New York; W. L. Lippman, the New York World; Miss Marion Park, Bryn Mawr College; Miss Ellen Pendleton, Wellesley College; and W. A. White, Emporia, Kansas.

The purpose of the awards was to bring to the young people of the United States a closer knowledge of the ideals and principles of Woodrow Wilson. The rules of the contest specified that each article should seek to appraise the ideals, standards and principles of Mr. Wilson, according to the personal standpoint of the writer.
