With the usual line practice and the first scrimmage of the year, the University hockey team swung into full preparation yesterday afternoon for the opening game with M. I. T. a week from tomorrow. Although there are only five lettermen back on the ice this season. Coach Joseph Stubbs '20, can choose from 50 experienced players. It was announced last night that there will be a cut in the squad within several days.
In yesterday's scrimmage the team led by W. T. Wetmore '30, was victorious over the sextet led by Captain J. P. Chase '28 by 1 to 0. The following men played on Chase's team:
John Tudor '29, I. W.; Captain J. P. Chase '28, c.; F. R. G. Giddens '28, r. stall '28 played on the defense with Joseph Morrill '28 as goal gurad.
On the opposing team W. T. Wetmore '30, l.w.; G. C. Helbrook '30 c.; and C. B. Lakin '30. R. w. were on the forward line while A. S. Bigelow '30 and H. W. Bigelow '30, played on the defense with H. H. Newell '29 as goal guard.
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