
Second Soccer Team Plays

In arr attempt to give the University second-string soccer players much-needed experience. Coach Jack Kershaw will lineup his second team men against the aggregation from Fitchburg Normal School at 2.30 o'clock today on Soldiers Field.

Today's game is the Crimson's first soccer encounter with Fitchburg, since the game is an innovation at the Normal School.

The Crimson squad will line up as follows:

Henry, g.; Bodde or Kauffman, r.f.b.; Stuart, l.f.b.; Booth or Blackburn, r.h.b.; Westheim, c.h.b.; O. Driggs, l.h.b.; Pritchard r.o.f.; Parks, r.i.f.; Langdon, c.; Vogel, l.i.f.; Johnson, l.o.f.
