
In the Graduate Schools

Davis, Rodgers, Wickes Win Research Fellowships

The award of the most important out of a total of 80 prizes and scholarships to students in the Law School for the present academic year has just been announced.

Chief among the awards are those of three research fellowships, one to Robert McNair Davis '04, of Moscow, Idaho, Dean of the Law School at the University of Idaho; one to John Churchill Rodgers L. '26, of Bowling Green, Ky.; and one to Joseph Augustus Wickes L. '20, of Dallas, Texas.

The Williston-Beale Scholarship, established in 1926 by two Law students of the Class of 1905 in honor of their teachers, Professor Williston and Professor Beale, has been awarded to William Gosslin of Portland, Ore.

Two Pugsley Scholarships in International Law were awarded to Alastair MacKinnon, of Halifax, N. S., and Frank Randall of Portland, Ore.

Other special fellowships and scholarships were awarded as follows:


Sears Prizes, to Erwin Nathaniel Griswold 3L., of Cleveland O.; Louis Leventhal Jaffe 3L., of San Francisco, Cal.; Herman Thomas Austern 2L., of New York City; and Jule Elias Stocker 2L., of New York City. Saltonstall Prize, to Judah Isaacs 1L., of Cincinnati, O. William Cheney Brown, Jr. scholarship to Lewis Hyman Weinstein 1L., of Portland, Me. John L. Cadwalader Memorial Scholarship to Edward Willard, of State College, Pa. Langdell Scholarships, to Frederick Beutel 1L., of Pittsburgh, Pa., and Moses Samuel Huberman 3L., of Belle Harbor, N. Y. Reuben B. Hutchcraft Memorial Scholarship to Vincent Booth 1L., of Bennington, Vt. Emmons Scholarships to Franklin Cox 1L., of Cameron, Texas, and to John Tory, of Ontario, Canada. Robert Darrah Jenks Scholarship to Nathan Leonard Jacobs 3L., of Bayonne, N. J.

In addition to the above, 61 faculty scholarships were awarded to second and third year men. The list of these awards will be announced later.
