
The Student Vagabond

The following are lectures of interest being given today and tomorrow:


9 O'clock

"Mediaeval France," Dr. Taylor, New Lecture Hall.

10 O'clock


"Aristotle on Politics and Art," Professor Perry, Emerson D.

"The French Ministry," Professor Yeomans, Widener N.

"Municipal Government in the Spanish Colonies," Professor Haring, Harvard 3.

"Boileau," Professor Wright, Harvard 1.

11 O'clock

"The Building of the Parthenon," Professor Chase, New Fogg Museum.

12 O'clock

"The Great Ice Age in North America," Professor Mather, Geological Lecture Room.

"The Department of State," Professor Wynne, Harvard 3.

"El Greco," Professor Post, Fogg Museum, small room.


9 O'clock

"Romain Rolland," Professor Morize, Sever 14.

"Memory, Including Practical Rules of Learning," Professor Boring, Emerson D.

10 O'clock

"Thomas Paine," Professor Murdock, Harvard 1.

"The Babylonish Captivity of the Papacy," Professor Merriman, Emerson J.

"England's Parnassus," Professor Rollins, Sever 5.
