

No Confirmation of Rumors of His Resignation as Coach--Statements Unobtainable

C.C. Buell '23, coach of the quarter-backs on the University football squad, has accepted a position as housemaster and instructor in History at Milton Academy, it was learned last night from W.L.W. Field '98, Head Master at the Academy. He will assume his new post next fall.

It is uncertain whether Buell will entirely resign his coaching duties at the University. News of his resignation from the staff of Crimson mentors has been rumorod, but no confirmation has been obtained. Mr. Field stated last night that the responsibilities of the Milton post would make it difficult for Buell to devote much time to coaching at the University. Buell himself could not be reached last evening, and officials of the H.A.A. declined to comment.

Was Star Quarterback

For three years in his undergraduate career Buell was a star quarterback on the University eleven, and captained the team in his Senior year. After his graduation he assumed the post of head coach of football at Milton, and for two years turned out undefeated teams. He resigned his post there to come to Harvard as quarterback coach under Arnold Horween '20.

Under the terms of his new contract at Milton, Buell will not act as an official football coach, it was understood. He may, however, coach in an unofficial capacity.
