

$123,402 Received in Corresponding Period in 1926--Discuss Plans for Future at Meeting

An increase of 20 percent in the amount contributed to the Harvard Fund, and of 45 percent in the number of subscribers to date in 1927, was announced yesterday by the Harvard Fund Council, which reported that $148,481 had been contributed by 4,767 men this year as compared with $123,702 from 3,269 men for the corresponding period in 1926.

This statement of the Fund Council's work was made following the first stated meeting and dinner of the Harvard Fund Council at the Harvard Club of Boston Sunday night, when the activities of the Council for the past year were reviewed, and plans for the future were discussed. General satisfaction with the progress made early this year, and proposals for the continuance and extension of the Council's success, were reported by D. T. W. McCord '21, executive secretary of the Council, as characterizing the meeting.

Howard Elliott '81, of New York, is president of the Fund Council this year, with A. T. Perkins '87, of St. Louis, serving as vice-president, and J. R. Hamlin '94, of Cambridge, chairman of the Executive Committee.

Other members of the Council present at the first meeting were W. C. Boyden '86, H. L. Clark '87, T. W. Slocum '90, M. D. Follansbee '92, Evan Hallister '97, L. P. Marvin '98, Eliot Wadsworth '98, H. S. Dennison '99, D. F. Davis '00, F. L. Higginson '00, James Lawrence '01, J. P. Jones '02, C. C. Bolton '05, John Richardson '08, Mackey Wells '08, J. S. Morgan Jr. '14, and Henry Munroe '19.
