In comparing the curricula of the various colleges in respect to the amount of space occupied by the ancient languages, it is very difficult to reach an exact conclusion. The reason for this is that whereas two courses, may be labelled, say, "Athenian Tragedy," one of them may take up twelve plays and another six: or of two courses in Roman Satire one, may include about twice as much as the other. Therefore, when one discovers that Princeton has 12 courses in Greek, Dartmouth 10, Yale 9, Cornell 8, Columbia 7, Williams 6, and Harvard 5, it is hard to draw any sound conclusions from this information. The weakness of Harvard in this line is, however, unmistakable--and rather curious considering that to the man in the street Harvard is synonymous with all that is highbrow. And yet here Harvard has a gigantic new Business School, and less courses in Greek than even Williams! --The Yale News.
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