In addition to the large collection of valuable books which have recently been presented to the University in honor of the centenary today of Charles Eliot Norton, a new and magnificent gift of old Italian paintings from E. W. Forbes '95, director of the Fogg Museum and Professor P. J. Sachs '00 has just been announced.
Many years ago, Mr. Forbes gave in trust to the University two well-known paintings now in the Museum,--a large alter-piece by Benvenuto di Giovanni, "Madonna Enthroned with Saints," and a triptych by Niccolo Da Foligno, "Madonna Enthroned between Saint Sebastin and Saint Francis." In celebration of the Norton centenary he now gives both of these pictures outright to the Fogg Museum, one in memory of Charles Eliot Norton, his teacher, the other in memory of Richard Norton, son of Professor Norton and friend of Mr. Forbes.
Professor Sachs announces at the same time his gift to the Museum in memory of Norton's sister, Miss Grace Norton, of an Italian fourteenth century painting, "Mourning Over the Body of Christ."
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