At the Yale game mass meeting to be held in the Living Room of the Union Thursday night at 7.30 o'clock, to which the Crimson band will load a parade starting in the Yard and passing all the principal dormitories, the speakers will be Captain C. A. Pratt Jr. '28, Coach Arnold Horween '21, and H. R. Hardwick '15, Walter Camp's All-American end in 1914.
Hardwick is one of the University's outstanding all-round athletes, as he was not only All-American end, but a letter man in baseball and track. Playing with C. E. Brickley '15, "Tack" Hardwick was largely responsible for the 20 to 0, 15 to 5, and 36 to 0 defeats of Yale in 1912, 1913, and 1914.
On Friday, the band will lead a parade from the steps of Widener Library to the Stadium where the football team will be holding its last practice before the Yale game. After the Harvard team has left the field, the Yale team will holds its final practice.
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H. A. A. Discards Non-Scouting Agreement for 1928 Season