The charge that the college undergraduate lacks initiative, made by Professor Oliphant, formerly of the University of Texas, lacks confirmation in view of the spirit exhibited by a dozen Indiana students last week-end. It seems that the students were imbued with the desire to witness the Harvard-Indiana football game, but lacking funds, they were forced to make the thousand-mile trip via foot, flivver, truck, or anything that came along headed in the general direction of the Atlantic Ocean. They saw the game.
Irrespective of the fact that the effort was probably too great for the result obtained, and that the initiative was displayed in a field outside of the general run of the college curriculum, it is nevertheless true that these men had a definite object in view and they persevered until they got it. Their display of initiative was spectacular, receiving much approbation from enthusiastic supporters of Indiana's athletics, and a corresponding amount of censure from the more level-headed ones who questioned the wisdom of sacrificing three or four days of classes for one football game. In either case, the students were brought into the limelight, more so, perhaps, than their actions merited, since similar exhibitions of initiative in the regular scheduled work of the university are daily passed over unnoticed. The weary miles of study are longer than those found en route for the big game. The Cornell Sun.
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