

Delegates to Governing Body to Meet December 1--Will Control Organization

An ambitious program for enlarging and reorganizing intramural sports competition in the University has been drawn up by the Department of Physical Education which is forming an Intramural Council, to meet for the first time early next month.

The new council, according to A W Samborski '26. Director of Intramural Athletics, will be composed of undergraduates and graduate students chosen as representatives by the various clubs, fraternities, publications, and other organizations interested in any branch of infra-University competition. The committee will enter teams on the roster of the several recognized sports and will draw up schedules, make rules and regulations and settle any problem concerning this type of athletics.

Five Sports Offered.

The sports offered by the Department for Intramural competition during the coming winter are basketball, squash, and handball, and for next spring, tennis, and relays. During the current fall season, the intramural stage has been held by class football, tennis, touch football, and dormitory crew. Coaching in those sports which require it was given by M A Cheek '26 and H. H. Hainer, who shaped up Claris football teams and dormitory crews respectively during the past six weeks. This winter the coaching will be done by Samborski and Harry cowles, who will handle respectively, basketball, and squash and handball.

All organizations interested in any or all of these branches are asked by the Department of Physical Education to turn in their names addresses, and telephone numbers of their delegates to the Council at 6 Wadsworth House before November 28. The Department plans to call the first Intramural Council meeting for December 1.
