Purveyor's of the History Department's choice tutorial volumes from the Lower Widener Reading room will be somewhat hindered in their activities this year by a new system which will soon be put into effect.
Whereas in the past, students were allowed to take the books to any part of the room, now they will have to seek their knowledge in a restricted space under the watchful eye of the librarian.
The History Department has suffered greatly in the past through this loss of its treatises. During the last year 60 volumes disappeared from the shelves never to be returned to their places.
The new system is planned to eliminate this. Now all the tutorial books are placed in the alcove near the librarian's desk. This section, moreover, will be enclosed next week by a railing with a wooden gate as the only means of access. He who passes through this portal will have to enter without books, or bags,--paper and pencil excepted. Then after he has finished studying the student will leave by the same portal.
This innovation will not affect the regulations concerning over-night use of the books. Use of texts in History 1 will likewise continue under the system of last year.
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