

Hope to Improve Efficiency in 25 Year Old Institution--Make Other Changes at Hemenway

The 5 o'clock gymnasium classes began yesterday with a new leader, J. W. Wallen, who recently joined the Department of Physical Education. Mr. Wallen has been physical instructor at Annapolis for five years and for nine years at Middlesex School.

For the last five years the gymnasium classes have been lead by various parttime students, but N. W. Fradd, director of Hemenway Gymnasium, hopes that the acquisition of a new permanent leader will improve the efficiency of the classes.

The class has been running over 25 years. It is open to all members of the University, and consists of a 40 minute drill daily. Membership is entirely voluntary. Last year an average of 125 a night five nights a week was in attenlance, more than 50 per cent of the class being graduate students.

During the summer months the gymnasium has undergone various renovations. The old soft coal boilers have been removed, and the building is connected with the main heating system of the University. A new flood-lighting system for the main floor has also been installed.

The special corrective exercises for Freshmen will start under the direction of Mr. Fradd as soon as the physical examinations have been completed. For the past five years one-fourth of the Freshman class has been rated D in bodily mechanics according to the X ray photographs taken at the beginning of each year.
