

After a complete failure last spring to place even a single entry in the great Hollywood sweepstakes, Harvard has made a belated effort to hide her shame by completing a moving picture enterprise of her own. There may not be a single one of the ten thousand men of Harvard who knows how to use mascara or wear polo shirts open at the throat but, impossible as it may seem, there are demands for other kinds of actors. The films taken by the Harvard Athletic Association staff photographer, of which three copies are to be made in order to insure immediate showing in the Harvard Clubs of the country, may serve in a measure to bolster the courage of the alumni, shaken as it must have been by the misfortune of last May. Graduates who hung their heads when it was announced that Harvard was unrepresented in the original training group of ten, and later that a Princeton "baby star" had been signed for a long term contract by the magnates of the Coast, will rejoice to learn that Harvard has not one, but many, luminaries.

When the three reels of "Athletics at Harvard during the year 1926-1927" were shown recently at the Union before a hall jammed with students, the consensus of comment was that the athletes had made a noble and not unsuccessful attempt to redeem the University's histrionic prestige. The entire cast had the verve and spontaneity which comes only without rehearsal. Individual bits of skilful characterization and subtle nuance were too numerous commendation. Certainly the achievement of the football squad, even under the handicap of mere practice, contrasts sharply with the inability of the Dramatic Club's finest to gain recognition from First National. The yardage gained in clods of earth compensates in great measure for footage lost in film.
