

Cherrie, Veteran Explorer, Will Deliver Lecture--"With the Roosevelts Through Central Asia" Is Subject

G. K. Cherrie, veteran explorer and naturalist, will deliver a talk in the Living Room of the Union Wednesday at 7.30 o'clock. The subject of the lecture will be, "With the Roosevelts Through Central Asia." H. W. Bragdon '28 Vice-President and undergraduate member of the Governing Board of the Union, will preside.

When in 1925, Theodore Roosevelt Jr., and his brother Kermit accepted the offer of the Field Museum of Chicago to go into Chinese. Turkestan and the Tian Shian Mountains through India and across the Himalayas, they chose the naturalist as a member of the expedition.

Himalayas Scaled

During the passage over the Himalayas the expedition worked its way through twelve mountain passes, some of which have never before been attempted by white men.

After traversing the Chinese Turkestan, the party arrived at the Tian Shian Mountains. Here a remarkable collection of bear, deer, mountain sheep, and birds, was obtained.


Mr. Cherrie then left the party and proceeded by caravan with the valuable assemblage of specimens to Constaniff-nople by the way of the Caspian Sea and through the Caucasus Mountains.

Mr. Cherrie's lecture will be fully illustrated by photographs and moving pictures taken on the expedition.
